Why does this parcel not have a Tax Roll Value Letter?
The Tax Roll Value Letter is to assist taxpayers with the FEMA “50% rule” decision-making on their property
that has been significantly impacted by Hurricane Ian. In some cases, there is no building value (e.g.
vacant land). In other instances, information for the letter doesn’t exist (e.g. condos do not have
separate land or building value). In still other cases, the values are an allocated value (many commercial
properties valued via the income approach) and don’t adequately represent all of the parts and pieces of the
property’s value. We recommend you seek a professional to asssist you with your property’s market value for
these properties.
Specific to condominium properties, the tax roll value letter cannot be developed as this office does not
make a distinct determination of non-covered items (land, pool, parking lot, etc.) for the entire complex.
Further, each jurisdiction is charged with deciding how they want to address the division of the fractional
ownership of the common Association property. For example, simply combining the value of all of the units
in the complex to create a "whole" value not only fails to properly consider whether the "value is equal
to the sum of the parts", but from this "number" deductions must legally still be made for the non-covered
items (land, pool, parking lot, etc.). These items are not separately assessed by our office, and therefore,
the tax roll value letter cannot be developed for condominium properties. Our office encourages these owners
to work with their Association and local jurisdiction in order to find the best solution, which in most
situations will typically be a private appraisal of the entire complex.
What do I need to know about building back/remodeling/repairing after the
The County and some of the municipalities have posted guidelines on their websites. Two things
are important. There is what is known as the “50%” rule. You can read more about it on the
County’s website.
And yes, you still must follow the permitting process that each jurisdiction has.
You may also find useful information which further defines the “50%” rule and how it applies on
FEMA’s website. And yes, you still must follow the permitting process
that each jurisdiction has. Please review this process by visiting your local
jurisdiction’s website listed below or contact their office directly.
On our
you will find a letter setting forth your just value that you may find useful in this process.
How will you determine my value when I build back/remodel/repair my property?
We look at each individual property to see what was damaged, what was replaced and what changed.
Each of these items is unique, so until we have the information we cannot completely answer the
question. That is why it is so important that you let us know you have damage.
Can I receive a tax benefit if I make my property more flood-resistant when I build back?
If the Constitutional Amendment on the ballot in November passes, the assessed value will not increase
as a result of any change or improvement made to improve the residential property’s resistance to flood
damage. To read more about the proposed amendment, please visit:
HJR 1377 — Limitation on Assessment of
Real Property Used for Residential Purposes or Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the General Election
How is this going to affect my 2022 taxes?
At this time, we do not know whether there will be a change to your 2022 value
for your property taxes. After previous historic hurricanes, the State of
Florida has passed retroactive tax breaks of varying degrees. If that occurs
again, you will be asked to provide us with information so that we can determine
which properties qualify under the standards adopted by the Legislature. Please
make sure you’ve reported your damage to us on our website.
If my property was damaged by the hurricane, what’s my "new" property value?
In order for the Property Appraiser’s office to determine your 2023 value, you
need tell us about your property damage. Please visit our website
www.leepa.org and use the hurricane reporting link to report your damage.
We’ll be reviewing all properties reported to us as damaged and updating our
records accordingly. Some changes impact value, some changes won’t.
If I have to rebuild or remodel, will it affect my 2023 taxes?
If the value of your "new" property exceeds the value of your “old” property after you rebuild, it may affect your 2023 value.
It is a bit complicated and is dependent upon how and what you build back and/or remodel.
What is going to happen to my homestead exemption?
If your property was damaged and you are unable to live in it and you want to continue to keep your homestead
exemption on the property, you must tell us that you intend to repair or rebuild the property and make it your
permanent residence. In February 2023, you will receive your annual notice of exemption renewal. All you will
need to do is take the code found on that letter and enter it on our website. We’ll then walk you through the
process. If you cannot wait for the letter or cannot receive US Mail, you can contact us at
exemptions@leepa.org, provide us with your contact information and we’ll reach out to you.
During the repair and rebuilding of your property, you will want to be careful that you do not inadvertently
take any actions that may jeopardize the homestead exemption, for example, registering to vote or getting a
driver license in a different county or state. It is OK to change your mailing address,
as this is considered temporary.
Please contact our office (email: exemptions@leepa.org) if you have questions
about keeping your homestead and what actions could potentially jeopardize it.
You can find additional information here:
Florida Statute 196.031 Exemption of Homesteads.
We will add to this list as more information becomes available. If you cannot
access our website, www.leepa.org, please call our office at (239) 533-6100 and
speak to one of our representatives who will be more than happy to assist you.