The Lee County Property Appraiser website will be down for scheduled maintenence on Saturday, March 29th. We will resume normal operations Sunday, March 30th.

Tangible Personal Property Information and Forms

If Hurricane Ian impacted your business and its operations, please let us know so that we can reflect the status in our records. Click here to tell us about the Hurricane Damage to your business and your business property.

Tangible Personal Property Tax Return Form
TPP Tax Return & Instructions: Florida Department of Revenue personal property tax form (DR-405) and instructions (DR-405(I)) for businesses, leasing companies, and income properties (hotels, motels, apartment complexes, warehouses & storage facilities, commercial rental properties). Do not use this form for rental properties such as Single Family/Townhouses, Duplexes, Condos, or Co-ops (see Tangible Personal Property Rental Tax Return Form).

Tangible Personal Property Rental Tax Return Form
TPP Tax Return for Rentals: Lee County personal property tax form for rental properties such as Single Family/Townhouses, Duplexes, Condos, or Co-ops. Do not use this form for businesses, leasing companies, and income properties (hotels, motels, apartment complexes, warehouses & storage facilities, commercial rental properties (see Tangible Personal Property Tax Return Form).

Tangible Rental Return Online Filing
Click this link to log in and file your TPP Rental Return online.

Tangible Disposition Letter Form
Business or Corporation Name Change, Physical Location Change, Sale or Liquidation of Business or Rental, Business or Rental Closing.

Tangible Depreciation Schedules & Economic Life Tables

Equipment Index Factors
Untrended Depreciation Schedule
Life Expectancy Guidelines

Return of Pollution Control Devices Form
The DR-492 should be filed annually in accordance with the Department of Revenue procedures for the assessment of pollution control devices as contained within Section 193.621 of the Florida Statutes, and Rule 12D-6.005 of the Florida Administrative Code. It will need to be received by our office no later than April 1st each year in order for the assessment of your pollution control devices to be considered for a reduction. Please feel free to electronically file this form via e-mail to: If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at (239) 533-6140.

Tangible Personal Property Authorization Form
If you are a taxpayer’s representative, you will need to have an Authorization on file with our office if you need to access any of your client’s confidential Tangible Personal Property information. Kindly complete the form and return it to our office using one of the contact methods below. Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Contact the Tangible Personal Property Department at:
Phone: (239) 533-6140
Fax: (239) 533-6289

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