The Lee County Property Appraiser website will be down for scheduled maintenence on Saturday, March 29th. We will resume normal operations Sunday, March 30th.

Reporting Tools

Note: The information on these reports is up to date as of the date on the report itself. Some data may be 4-6 weeks behind because of the time between the filing date at the Clerk Of Courts and when it is keyed at the Property Appraiser's office.

Looking for the Pool Owner’s Report? Use the Parcel List Generator and select “Yes” for the Pools option!

Looking for commercial property listings? These can now be generated using either the Parcel List Generator or Sales List Generator. Simply select the commercial property type you are looking for.

Parcel List Generator: Creates a listing of all parcels that match the selected criteria. This report shows the current owner’s information and selected parcel attributes.

Sales List Generator: Same as the Parcel List report but returns only parcels with sales within the selected date range.

Parcel Report by Subdivision: Creates a report of parcels found within the specified subdivision.

Are there other reports, or enhancements to our existing reports, that you would like to see? Use the feedback form for any suggestions or comments.

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